// dropdown function checkcaptchamath() { // Optional: Show a waiting message in the layer with ID login_response document.getElementById('captcha_response').innerHTML = "" // Required: verify that all fileds is not empty. Use encodeURI() to solve some issues about character encoding. var scode= encodeURI(document.getElementById('security_code').value); var firstNumber= encodeURI(document.getElementById('firstNumber').value); var secondNumber= encodeURI(document.getElementById('secondNumber').value); var answer=parseInt(firstNumber)+parseInt(secondNumber); if(scode!='' && scode==answer) { document.getElementById('captcha_response').innerHTML = ''; } else { document.getElementById('captcha_response').innerHTML = '
Incorrect Captcha Sum
'; document.getElementById('security_code').value=""; } } $(document).ready(function() { $('p:empty').remove(); $('p:empty').filter(function() { return $(this).html().trim() === ' '; }).remove(); }); $(document).ready(function() { $('p').filter(function() { return $(this).html().trim() === ' '; }).remove(); }); $(document).ready(function() { // Sponser ticker $('.inner-content-sponsers .ticker').easyTicker({ direction: 'up', easing: 'swing', speed: 'slow', interval: 2000, height: 'auto', visible: 4, mousePause: 4, controls: { up: '', down: '', toggle: '', playText: 'Play', stopText: 'Stop' } }); $('.ticker').easyTicker({ direction: 'up', easing: 'swing', speed: 'slow', interval: 2000, height: 'auto', visible: 2, mousePause: 2, controls: { up: '', down: '', toggle: '', playText: 'Play', stopText: 'Stop' } }); }); $(document).ready(function() { $.validator.addMethod("validate_email", function(value, element) { if (/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, "Please enter a valid Email."); // Initialize Magnific Popup $('#video-gallery').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'iframe', iframe: { patterns: { youtube: { index: 'youtu', id: function(url) { // Extract video ID from URL var match = url.match(/[^\w-]([-\w]{11})[^-\w]?/); if (match && match[1]) { return match[1]; } }, src: 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/%id%?autoplay=1' }, vimeo: { index: 'vimeo.com/', id: '/', src: 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/%id%?autoplay=1' } // Add more patterns for other video platforms if needed } }, gallery: { enabled: true } }); }); // $(document).ready(function() { // $("form button").prop("disabled", true); // }); $(document).ready(function () { if ($(window).width() < 992) { $("a.nav-link1").each(function () { $(this).find("span.submenu-indicator").insertAfter($(this)); }); $(".submenu-indicator").click(function () { $(this).closest("li.nav-item1").toggleClass("focus"); }); } }); $(document).ready(function($) { $.validator.addMethod("customPhone", function (value, element) { // Modify this regular expression to match your desired phone number format return this.optional(element) || /^\d{10}$/.test(value); }, "Please enter a valid phone number"); $('.numberkey').on('input', function() { var inputVal = $(this).val(); $(this).val(inputVal.replace(/\D/g, '')); }); // $('label').on('click', function(event) { // event.preventDefault(); // }); // Add custom method for mobile number validation $.validator.addMethod("phone", function(value, element) { // Modify this regex pattern according to your desired mobile number format var mobilePattern = /^[0-9]{10}$/; return this.optional(element) || mobilePattern.test(value); }, "Please enter a valid mobile number."); }); // MEGA MENU CODE !(function (n, i, e, a) { (n.navigation = function (t, s) { var o = { responsive: !0, mobileBreakpoint: 991, showDuration: 0, hideDuration: 0, showDelayDuration: 0, hideDelayDuration: 0, submenuTrigger: "hover", effect: "fadeIn", submenuIndicator: !0, submenuIndicatorTrigger: !1, hideSubWhenGoOut: !0, visibleSubmenusOnMobile: !1, fixed: !1, overlay: !0, overlayColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", hidden: !1, hiddenOnMobile: !1, offCanvasSide: "left", offCanvasCloseButton: !0, animationOnShow: "", animationOnHide: "", onInit: function () {}, onLandscape: function () {}, onPortrait: function () {}, onShowOffCanvas: function () {}, onHideOffCanvas: function () {}, }, r = this, u = Number.MAX_VALUE, d = 1, l = "click.nav touchstart.nav", f = "mouseenter focusin", c = "mouseleave focusout"; r.settings = {}; var t = (n(t), t); n(t).find(".nav-search").length > 0 && n(t) .find(".nav-search") .find("form") .prepend( "" ), (r.init = function () { (r.settings = n.extend({}, o, s)), r.settings.offCanvasCloseButton && n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper") .prepend( "" ), "right" == r.settings.offCanvasSide && n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper") .addClass("nav-menus-wrapper-right"), r.settings.hidden && (n(t).addClass("navigation-hidden"), (r.settings.mobileBreakpoint = 99999)), v(), r.settings.fixed && n(t).addClass("navigation-fixed"), n(t) .find(".nav-toggle") .on("click touchstart", function (n) { n.stopPropagation(), n.preventDefault(), r.showOffcanvas(), s !== a && r.callback("onShowOffCanvas"); }), n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper-close-button") .on("click touchstart", function () { r.hideOffcanvas(), s !== a && r.callback("onHideOffCanvas"); }), n(t) .find(".nav-search-button, .nav-search-close-button") .on("click touchstart keydown", function (i) { i.stopPropagation(), i.preventDefault(); var e = i.keyCode || i.which; "click" === i.type || "touchstart" === i.type || ("keydown" === i.type && 13 == e) ? r.toggleSearch() : 9 == e && n(i.target).blur(); }), n(t).find(".megamenu-tabs").length > 0 && y(), n(i).resize(function () { r.initNavigationMode(C()), O(), r.settings.hiddenOnMobile && m(); }), r.initNavigationMode(C()), r.settings.hiddenOnMobile && m(), s !== a && r.callback("onInit"); }); var h = function () { n(t).find(".nav-submenu").hide(0), n(t).find("li").removeClass("focus"); }, v = function () { n(t) .find("li") .each(function () { n(this).children(".nav-dropdown,.megamenu-panel") .length > 0 && (n(this) .children(".nav-dropdown,.megamenu-panel") .addClass("nav-submenu"), r.settings.submenuIndicator && n(this) .children("a") .append( "" )); }); }, m = function () { n(t).hasClass("navigation-portrait") ? n(t).addClass("navigation-hidden") : n(t).removeClass("navigation-hidden"); }; (r.showSubmenu = function (i, e) { C() > r.settings.mobileBreakpoint && n(t).find(".nav-search").find("form").fadeOut(), "fade" == e ? n(i) .children(".nav-submenu") .stop(!0, !0) .delay(r.settings.showDelayDuration) .fadeIn(r.settings.showDuration) .removeClass(r.settings.animationOnHide) .addClass(r.settings.animationOnShow) : n(i) .children(".nav-submenu") .stop(!0, !0) .delay(r.settings.showDelayDuration) .slideDown(r.settings.showDuration) .removeClass(r.settings.animationOnHide) .addClass(r.settings.animationOnShow), n(i).addClass("focus"); }), (r.hideSubmenu = function (i, e) { "fade" == e ? n(i) .find(".nav-submenu") .stop(!0, !0) .delay(r.settings.hideDelayDuration) .fadeOut(r.settings.hideDuration) .removeClass(r.settings.animationOnShow) .addClass(r.settings.animationOnHide) : n(i) .find(".nav-submenu") .stop(!0, !0) .delay(r.settings.hideDelayDuration) .slideUp(r.settings.hideDuration) .removeClass(r.settings.animationOnShow) .addClass(r.settings.animationOnHide), n(i) .removeClass("focus") .find(".focus") .removeClass("focus"); }); var p = function () { n("body").addClass("no-scroll"), r.settings.overlay && (n(t).append(""), n(t) .find(".nav-overlay-panel") .css("background-color", r.settings.overlayColor) .fadeIn(300) .on("click touchstart", function (n) { r.hideOffcanvas(); })); }, g = function () { n("body").removeClass("no-scroll"), r.settings.overlay && n(t) .find(".nav-overlay-panel") .fadeOut(400, function () { n(this).remove(); }); }; (r.showOffcanvas = function () { p(), "left" == r.settings.offCanvasSide ? n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper") .css("transition-property", "left") .addClass("nav-menus-wrapper-open") : n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper") .css("transition-property", "right") .addClass("nav-menus-wrapper-open"); }), (r.hideOffcanvas = function () { n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper") .removeClass("nav-menus-wrapper-open") .on( "webkitTransitionEnd moztransitionend transitionend oTransitionEnd", function () { n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper") .css("transition-property", "none") .off(); } ), g(); }), (r.toggleOffcanvas = function () { C() <= r.settings.mobileBreakpoint && (n(t) .find(".nav-menus-wrapper") .hasClass("nav-menus-wrapper-open") ? (r.hideOffcanvas(), s !== a && r.callback("onHideOffCanvas")) : (r.showOffcanvas(), s !== a && r.callback("onShowOffCanvas"))); }), (r.toggleSearch = function () { "none" == n(t).find(".nav-search").find("form").css("display") ? (n(t).find(".nav-search").find("form").fadeIn(200), n(t).find(".nav-search").find("input").focus()) : (n(t).find(".nav-search").find("form").fadeOut(200), n(t).find(".nav-search").find("input").blur()); }), (r.initNavigationMode = function (i) { r.settings.responsive ? (i <= r.settings.mobileBreakpoint && u > r.settings.mobileBreakpoint && (n(t) .addClass("navigation-portrait") .removeClass("navigation-landscape"), S(), s !== a && r.callback("onPortrait")), i > r.settings.mobileBreakpoint && d <= r.settings.mobileBreakpoint && (n(t) .addClass("navigation-landscape") .removeClass("navigation-portrait"), k(), g(), r.hideOffcanvas(), s !== a && r.callback("onLandscape")), (u = i), (d = i)) : (n(t).addClass("navigation-landscape"), k(), s !== a && r.callback("onLandscape")); }); var b = function () { n("html").on("click.body touchstart.body", function (i) { 0 === n(i.target).closest(".navigation").length && (n(t).find(".nav-submenu").fadeOut(), n(t).find(".focus").removeClass("focus"), n(t).find(".nav-search").find("form").fadeOut()); }); }, C = function () { return ( i.innerWidth || e.documentElement.clientWidth || e.body.clientWidth ); }, w = function () { n(t).find(".nav-menu").find("li, a").off(l).off(f).off(c); }, O = function () { if (C() > r.settings.mobileBreakpoint) { var i = n(t).outerWidth(!0); n(t) .find(".nav-menu") .children("li") .children(".nav-submenu") .each(function () { n(this).parent().position().left + n(this).outerWidth() > i ? n(this).css("right", 0) : n(this).css("right", "auto"); }); } }, y = function () { function i(i) { var e = n(i).children(".megamenu-tabs-nav").children("li"), a = n(i).children(".megamenu-tabs-pane"); n(e).on("click.tabs touchstart.tabs", function (i) { i.stopPropagation(), i.preventDefault(), n(e).removeClass("active"), n(this).addClass("active"), n(a).hide(0).removeClass("active"), n(a[n(this).index()]).show(0).addClass("active"); }); } if (n(t).find(".megamenu-tabs").length > 0) for ( var e = n(t).find(".megamenu-tabs"), a = 0; a < e.length; a++ ) i(e[a]); }, k = function () { w(), h(), navigator.userAgent.match(/Mobi/i) || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || "click" == r.settings.submenuTrigger ? n(t) .find(".nav-menu, .nav-dropdown") .children("li") .children("a") .on(l, function (e) { if ( (r.hideSubmenu( n(this).parent("li").siblings("li"), r.settings.effect ), n(this) .closest(".nav-menu") .siblings(".nav-menu") .find(".nav-submenu") .fadeOut(r.settings.hideDuration), n(this).siblings(".nav-submenu").length > 0) ) { if ( (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), "none" == n(this) .siblings(".nav-submenu") .css("display")) ) return ( r.showSubmenu( n(this).parent("li"), r.settings.effect ), O(), !1 ); if ( (r.hideSubmenu( n(this).parent("li"), r.settings.effect ), "_blank" === n(this).attr("target") || "blank" === n(this).attr("target")) ) i.open(n(this).attr("href")); else { if ( "#" === n(this).attr("href") || "" === n(this).attr("href") || "javascript:void(0)" === n(this).attr("href") ) return !1; i.location.href = n(this).attr("href"); } } }) : n(t) .find(".nav-menu") .find("li") .on(f, function () { r.showSubmenu(this, r.settings.effect), O(); }) .on(c, function () { r.hideSubmenu(this, r.settings.effect); }), r.settings.hideSubWhenGoOut && b(); }, S = function () { w(), h(), r.settings.visibleSubmenusOnMobile ? n(t).find(".nav-submenu").show(0) : (n(t) .find(".submenu-indicator") .removeClass("submenu-indicator-up"), r.settings.submenuIndicator && r.settings.submenuIndicatorTrigger ? n(t) .find(".submenu-indicator") .on(l, function (i) { return ( i.stopPropagation(), i.preventDefault(), r.hideSubmenu( n(this) .parent("span") .parent("a") .siblings("a"), "slide" ), r.hideSubmenu( n(this) .closest(".nav-menu") .siblings(".nav-menu") .children("a"), "slide" ), "none" == n(this) .parent("a") .siblings(".nav-submenu") .css("display") ? (n(this).addClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), n(this) .parent("span") .parent("a") .siblings("a") .find( ".submenu-indicator" ) .removeClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), n(this) .closest(".nav-menu") .siblings(".nav-menu") .find( ".submenu-indicator" ) .removeClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), r.showSubmenu( n(this) .parent("span") .parent("a"), "slide" ), !1) : (n(this) .parent("span") .parent("a") .find( ".submenu-indicator" ) .removeClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), void r.hideSubmenu( n(this) .parent("span") .parent("a"), "slide" )) ); }) : n(t) .find(".nav-menu, .nav-dropdown") .children("a") .children("span") .on(l, function (e) { if ( (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), r.hideSubmenu( n(this) .parent("a") .siblings("a"), r.settings.effect ), r.hideSubmenu( n(this) .closest(".nav-menu") .siblings(".nav-menu") .children("a"), "slide" ), "none" == n(this) .siblings(".nav-submenu") .css("display")) ) return ( n(this) .children( ".submenu-indicator" ) .addClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), n(this) .parent("a") .siblings("a") .find(".submenu-indicator") .removeClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), n(this) .closest(".nav-menu") .siblings(".nav-menu") .find(".submenu-indicator") .removeClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), r.showSubmenu( n(this).parent("a"), "slide" ), !1 ); if ( (n(this) .parent("a") .find(".submenu-indicator") .removeClass( "submenu-indicator-up" ), r.hideSubmenu( n(this).parent("a"), "slide" ), "_blank" === n(this).attr("target") || "blank" === n(this).attr("target")) ) i.open(n(this).attr("href")); else { if ( "#" === n(this).attr("href") || "" === n(this).attr("href") || "javascript:void(0)" === n(this).attr("href") ) return !1; i.location.href = n(this).attr("href"); } })); }; (r.callback = function (n) { s[n] !== a && s[n].call(t); }), r.init(); }), (n.fn.navigation = function (i) { return this.each(function () { if (a === n(this).data("navigation")) { var e = new n.navigation(this, i); n(this).data("navigation", e); } }); }); })(jQuery, window, document); (function ($) { "use strict"; var $window = $(window); if ($.fn.navigation) { $("#navigation1").navigation(); $("#always-hidden-nav").navigation({ hidden: true, }); } })(jQuery); $(document).ready(function() { // Custom validation method for Zelle reference numbers using regex $.validator.addMethod("zelleReference", function(value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^[A-Za-z0-9\-]+$/.test(value); }, "Must be a valid Zelle reference number"); $.validator.addMethod("validate_email", function(value, element) { if (/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, "Please enter a valid Email."); $.validator.addMethod('filesize', function (value, element, param) { return this.optional(element) || (element.files[0].size <= param * 1000000) }, 'File size must be less than {0} MB'); $.validator.addMethod("alpha2",function(t,e){ return this.optional(e)||t==t.match(/^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/)},"Invalid"); }); $(document).ready(function() { $('input[type="text"], input[type="email"], input[type="password"]').change(function(){ s = $.trim(this.value); s= $( $.parseHTML(s)).text(); this.value=s; }); });